Flora & Fauna

Zip-Lining in Amazonia

Zip-Lining in Amazonia
  • Zip-lining combines adrenaline, nature & views.

  • Peru’s Amazonia offers ideal & varied selection of experience.

  • Speed through jungle canopy, beside rivers & over valleys.

  • We give you the options: : Iquitos, Tambopata, Tarapoto, Chachapoyas & Machu Picchu.

Don & Mary Lou Liepold - 50th Wedding Anniversary in Peru Overview

Don & Mary Lou Liepold - 50th Wedding Anniversary in Peru Overview

PERU - Trip of a Lifetime
JANUARY 9-25, 2020

Travelers: Don and Mary Lou Liepold from Wisconsin
Occasion: 50th Wedding Anniversary
Background: After a tremendous amount of research, we decided to take a trip to Peru for our 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Leighton & Dillon - Delfin III Review

Leighton & Dillon - Delfin III Review
  • Read a review of a 5-day Amazon River cruise on the luxurious Delfin III.

  • US couple Michelle Leighton & Rodger Dillon, now based in Switzerland.

  • Travelled in January, 2020 during high-water season in Amazonia.

“We very much enjoyed the Delfin cruise, the sites, the excursions, and the people we met.

7 Tips for Visiting an Amazon River Village

7 Tips for Visiting an Amazon River Village
  • Visiting local communities a fundamental element of Amazon cruise or lodge stay.

  • PeruNorth’s advice on how best to enjoy these visits.

  • Interaction is the keyword.

Many of PeruNorth’s clients are as fascinated by the human ecology of Peru’s Amazonia as the countless exotic species of flora and fauna found therein.

(Bad, Sweaty) Football in the Amazon Jungle

(Bad, Sweaty) Football in the Amazon Jungle
  • Impromptu version of ‘The Beautiful Game’ in the Amazon Rainforest.

  • Occasioned by unforeseen delay on way to Tambopata jungle lodge.

  • Opposition was the National Park police.

  • Skill, tactics & stamina in short supply. Laughs aplenty.

When you’re already sweating profusely and panting like an overweight St. Bernard, while simply sitting in the shade, a game of football is not highly recommended.

Olde-Heuvel & Velasquez - Tarapoto & Cocachimba Review

Olde-Heuvel & Velasquez - Tarapoto & Cocachimba Review
  • Read thoughts of Dutch-Peruvian couple who visited Northern Peru over New Year.

  • Their itinerary was expanded version of Tarapoto & Gocta trip, with additional nights at Pumarinri Amazon Lodge.

  • Included a short visit to Gotas de Agua, a private dry forest reserve, near Jaen.

“Our trip to Peru was great we enjoyed both of the stays and both of the places, Tarapoto and Cocachimba.

Naylor & Choy - Kuelap & Gocta 6D Review

Naylor & Choy - Kuelap & Gocta 6D Review
  • Anglo-Peruvian couple, Michael Naylor & Angelica Choy, spent five nights at Gocta Andes Lodge in late 2019.

  • They visited the main Chachapoya archaeological highlights of the region: Kuelap, Revash, Leymebamba Museum & Karajia.

  • Also made the hike / horse ride to Gocta Waterfall, and back.

Here are their thoughts:

Melanie H - Kuelap & Gocta Waterfall Review

Melanie H - Kuelap & Gocta Waterfall Review

Solo, female traveller, Melanie from Hamburg, enjoyed our 5-day Kuelap & Gocta itinerary staying at Hacienda Achamaqui, near Chachapoyas. Here is her feedback:

“I have returned from my travels, and I still savour all these great moments I enjoyed in Peru!

Fry & Burt - Southern Peru & Amazonia Review

Fry & Burt - Southern Peru & Amazonia Review

Read the review of a young couple from the UK’s six-week tour of Southern Peru and Amazonia.

  • Included stays at two eco-lodges in Peru’s Amazon.

  • Overland trip from Lima to Cusco, via Arequipa & Puno.

  • Hikes in Colca Canyon & to Machu Picchu from KM 104.

Muyuna Amazon Lodge v Tambopata Research Center - A Comparison

Muyuna Amazon Lodge v Tambopata Research Center - A Comparison

English couple, Jordan Fry & Annabelle Burt had a deep interest in the natural history of the rainforest and took the time to visit Muyuna Amazon Lodge (in the North) in June 2018 and Tambopata Research Centre (TRC) in July. Here is their comparative review:

Alexander & Helen - Northern Peru Review

Alexander & Helen - Northern Peru Review

This thirty-something couple from London did an extensive & active tour of Northern Peru taking in:

  • Chiclayo

  • Chachapoyas

  • Leymebamba

  • Laguna de los Condores Trek

  • Treehouse Lodge in Amazon Rainforest

  • Beach time in Vichayito, Piura

Here are their thoughts on what they did and saw

Frazer x 2 - Northern Peru Archaeology Tour Review

Frazer x 2 - Northern Peru Archaeology Tour Review

Read the comments from an epic tour of Northern Peru’s archaeological hotspots.

  • In company of expert driver-guide, Ronald Watger.

  • Included Huaraz, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Chachapoyas & Cajamarca.

‘Mike and I had a truly wonderful trip round northern Peru …