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Don & Mary Lou Liepold - 50th Wedding Anniversary in Peru Overview

Don & Mary Lou Liepold - 50th Wedding Anniversary in Peru Overview

PERU - Trip of a Lifetime
JANUARY 9-25, 2020

Travelers: Don and Mary Lou Liepold from Wisconsin
Occasion: 50th Wedding Anniversary
Background: After a tremendous amount of research, we decided to take a trip to Peru for our 50th Wedding Anniversary.

Fry & Burt - Southern Peru & Amazonia Review

Fry & Burt - Southern Peru & Amazonia Review

Read the review of a young couple from the UK’s six-week tour of Southern Peru and Amazonia.

  • Included stays at two eco-lodges in Peru’s Amazon.

  • Overland trip from Lima to Cusco, via Arequipa & Puno.

  • Hikes in Colca Canyon & to Machu Picchu from KM 104.