Redefinition of what luxury means to modern traveller.
More about unique experiences than supreme comfort.
Northern Peru full of this type of luxury!
Viringos - Peru's Hairless Dog
Except for a tuft between their ears and on the end of their tail, these medium-sized, dark Peruvian dogs are completely hairless. In spite of their unorthodox looks - or perhaps because of them - viringo dogs were prized by the Moche, Chimu and Virus cultures, who included them as sacrifices in many important burials, and depicted them on painted pottery.
Tucume Museum Recognised as a Best World Tourism Project
Tucume Museum, in the Department of Lambayeque on Peru's northern coast, was recognized by the British Travel Writers Guild (BTWG), as one of 2015's Best World Tourism Projects at the World Travel Mart in London.